The secret to a healthy life is a healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Constipation - 7 Tips on How You Can Prevent Constipation

Constipation is a very uncomfortable problem. We have all at one time or another experienced this situation. Some people may have to deal with this problem everyday. Therefore, we want to know what we can do about this condition. In this article, I will be listing seven things you can try in order to relieve this situation.

7 Constipation Tips:

1) Flax Seed Oil or Dry Seeds - This flax seed oil or even the dry seeds are high in fiber and many other nutrients, which may be able to remedy this condition. The best idea is to make sure you take the oil or seeds with some food. The flaxseed will be absorbed much better. Try drinking a glass of orange juice with one tbsp of flaxseed oil mixed well. Also, try adding the oil or seeds to salads, cereals and anything else you can think of.

2) Water - This is a great remedy for this problem. Try drinking one or two glasses of water when you wake up in the morning. This is great, because it will stimulate your bowel. Aim to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.

3) Exercise - You should try to be getting at least 30 minutes of physical exercise per day. This will help greatly in getting your body moving and allows food to move through the large intestine.

4) High-Fiber Foods - You should make sure you are eating foods that are very rich in fiber content. This could include pears, apples, oranges, tomatoes, oatmeals, garlic, onions, green beans, and just beans in general. Having a high-fiber diet is important in that it will improve your digestive tract function.

5) Ginger Tea - Try drinking this tea, which will help improve digestions and will calm your stomach. You can also try adding two teaspoons of castor oil with ginger tea just before bedtime. You can used freshly sliced ginger or the powered type and add it to a cup of hot water. This has seemed to work for some people. You can also add two teaspoons of castor oil with a cup of warm milk.

6) Folic Acid - Folate is the natural form of folic acid, and it is high in fiber. So, try eating foods that are high in folate, such as leafy greens. You should also try taking a daily 60mg folic acid supplement.

7) Sleep - Make sure you are getting at least 7, but try to get more hours of sleep each night.

If you notice that your condition doesn\'t improve, you should go and see your doctor and have a medical checkup. Also, when you need to go to the bathroom, make sure you go. Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement can increase constipation.

In this article, I shared with you seven tips on how you can prevent constipation. Try these tips out for yourself and see if they help! Burt Amadio loves learning and sharing his information on a variety of topics. Check out this website below!

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